The Travel Bug

a poem by Jeremias Winckler

Like gusts that herald storms,
You wake from Your life, the curtains call.
Wanderlust within, the suit too wide,
Too staid for the youth inside that yearns to ride.
The job could never hold, nor praise confine,
You ache to venture forth, create a new design.

Untethered from the known, from home You stray,
No plan at hand, just endless roads parlayed.
Paths less travelled by, adventure packed,
No boundaries set, freedom’s wind at back.
Through forests, over hills, by dawning light,
The whole wide world within reach, in sight.

Sun kissed skin, wind ruffled hair,
Strange languages, places so rare.
A journey turned verse, moments turned song,
Off the beaten track, there You belong.

No road is too long, no river too wide,
No cliff too steep, nor too wild the ride,
No night too dark—for the stars shine bright,
Nor can You get lost— You’ll be guided by light.

Reinvent, live, dare, explore,
Feel it all, and then feel some more.
Your darkest hours, like shadows, will recede,
Healed by the smiles of those who intercede.
Blisters, bruises—it will matter not,
The journey’s call compels, and You shall be caught.

To live this madness, oh, but isn’t it grand?
To the unknown! Oh, traveller’s spell, greatest of plans!
To finally go, You want to take flight!
To lands anew, each morning’s light.
The Travel Bug, a fever fierce and deep,
Once bitten, stirs from every dreamy sleep.

With one foot poised ‘twixt grave and daring deed,
New colours burst forth—none can impede.
Onward You’ll dance, by cliff and by crest,
Free and unfettered in Your undying quest.
Fever, fatigue—it matters not.

You are released, travel! You ought!
But dreams are dreams, from reality far apart,
Romantic notions, longings, learned by heart.
Now, quickly, up, to work You must attend,
The alarm rings forth, it’s time, my friend.

But as You head to work, think, ‘Maybe today?’
When the bug bites: exmatriculate!
Tired of the grind? Why not deviate,
Skip work, start to drive, for once change Your fate.

Follow new paths, throw it all to the wind,
Crash Your car, Your fuel will soon end,
Hell yeah, light it all up before You are pinned,
Your past goes up in flames, oh, what a beautiful blend.

Keep walking, don’t You dare turn around,
Break from life, in new rhythms found.
Hear the blast, Your old world’s gone,
Fuck it! Leave it! Move on, move on!

But how do I start? Step out, embrace the world!
And when? Now, or perhaps You never will.
And then? There is no end, no final goal.
What of my friends? New ones will join the thrill.
And my past life? It’s past, just as You’ve told.
But is it all worth it? Hard to say, though still—
Then, why should I go? Because You must, be bold!
And what about You? I’ve already had my fill.
What happened? Well, I’ve become weary and old.

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